Thursday, November 12, 2015

DuPage River extension

A new bridge has opened up several miles of previously inaccessible (to me) bike trail along the south bank of the DuPage River in Bolingbrook. The bridge is seen here from the Bolingbrook Historic Trout Farm (seriously).

The river meanders through DuPage River
Park, just east of Washington Street.

East of the new bridge, the trail winds through the
woods and over some small hills.

A placid scene about halfway 'twixt the park
and Royce Road. 

Near the end of the trail is the thriving metropolis of Barber’s Corners, where I stopped for a coke at Portillo’s. Actually, Barber’s Corners was never an incorporated municipality, just a hamlet at the intersection of Rt. 53 and Boughton Road in what is now Bolingbrook. It was named after an otherwise uninteresting settler named John Barber, according to a plaque at nearby.
dsj 151112

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